Is It Ok To Have a Two Page Resume?

Is It Ok To Have a Two Page Resume?

Ok? A two-pager is in fact the IDEAL length for a resume. (subject to certain criteria, which we’ll get to in a few).

There are two main factors by which resume length is dictated, a sort of front-end & back-end deal.

On the front-end, we have work experience - yours, to be precise. Depending on whether you’re a fresher or newbie in the industry (upto 5 years of work experience), an industry veteran (5-10 years of work experience) or a leader (11+ years of work experience), your resume will range from 1 page to 3 pages.

For a fresher/newbie, the ideal length is 1 full page. It must neither fall short of nor exceed this limit. Unless you’ve quite literally had the roles and responsibilities of an entire department or organization dumped upon you (which, let’s face it, has rarely if ever happened to anyone barring head honchos of startups).

For a veteran, the resume should be up to 2 pages long. This is enough to capture the skills and work experience you’ve managed to obtain, without ending up too wordy.

Lastly, for an extremely senior/leadership role, the widely-recognized upper limit for a resume is 3 pages, meant to provide enough space to detail your most valuable accomplishments and relatively recent work experience - your resume should not go too far back.

Our detailed guide explains the reasons for these limits.

The back-end of this limit is attributed to the amount of time recruiters spend on reading your resume, ranging from 6-30 seconds during the initial filtering processes.

The longer your resume, the more tedious it feels to read and the lesser time and attention you get per page - the recruiters could end up missing out on key information which could have landed you that interview!

Thus, unless you belong to the criteria of:

  1. Not being experienced enough, or
  2. Belonging to offbeat sectors like teaching, science, etc.,

Always ensure your resume is 2 pages long!

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